Hi, my name is Cyndi . I am a stay at home mom to four kids. I have two teenagers who are on their way out of the nest and two little's. My husband and I were high school sweetheart's and had our older two when we were in college. I was a stay at home mom until they went into school. At that time, I decided to put my education to work and I opened a antique/interior shop for two years. I loved it, I have some of the best memories from that time. I then moved on to working as a retail manager, which included working at for an amazing scrapbook store. When I turned 35 I decided I wanted to have another baby. Luke was born in January. Right away I knew I wanted him to have a sibling closer to his age, so
then came Aiden 18 months later. When my little's came along I knew I could no longer could work full time nor did I want to. It has been an adventure to say the least to have teenagers and toddlers at the same time, but we have gotten through it. The older two have now graduated from high school and my Luke will be entering kindergarten this fall. Aiden will be in pre school.
A few other things about me :
I live outside of a small rural town. I love everything about it from knowing all the people, to the quaint down town. I can't even explain to you how much I love my little town and the people who live here.
I LOVE to craft!! Paper crafting is what I am into right now, but I also love to sew, but don't do it enough. I want to learn more about jewelry making and knitting...those are both on my bucket list
I love to cook and entertain!! I have a big extended family(27 first cousins) and they all live pretty much right here. My parents and my husbands parents live ten minutes away, so they stop by often.
I love antique stores, junk stroes, goodwill, craigslist any where I can find a bargin or just something interesting.
I started this blog as a outlet for my many thoughts, ideas and just a place to keep our memories. I have never really figured out what kind of blog that I am, just a little bit of everything.
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy !!